On March 11, 2010, through the approval of “Provincial Ordinance 5” “Official Registry 148”, the Public Company HIDROEQUINOCCIO was created, this was approved by Prefect Gustavo Baroja.

Through this ordinance, the company's function was to generate a component of powers delegated to the company; for which it can sustainably take advantage of the necessary natural resources and public goods, dedicating itself mainly to the design, construction, installation, operation, administration and maintenance of hydroelectric generation plants.

In 2014, new ordinances “REF-2-CPP-2014 A ORD-005-HCPP-2010” were made, where through a merger, HIDROEQUINOCCIO EP, obtains a new range of activities that it can carry out alongside the existing ones related to energy.

In this way, the company's objective is to provide public service for the supply of electricity with the construction of hydroelectric plants, housing construction and infrastructure works, planning, studies, construction and maintenance of road projects.