This area promotes the development of infrastructure in the province and in the country, through the execution of investment projects in roads, canals, river ports, seaports and buildings. Cobblestone work, public housing, the construction of ports in Sucumbios and Manabí, as well as remodeling of emblematic and/or heritage Educational Units in Quito and Guayaquil.

The Energy area promotes hydroelectric generation projects in the province and in the Country.
Its management includes engineering studies and designs, inspection and construction of the projects.
su gestión comprende estudios y diseños de ingeniería, fiscalizacióny construcción de obras.
– Central Hidroeléctrica Palmiras-Nanegal
Galería de Proyectos

We are a subsidiary company of the Provincial Decentralized Autonomous Government of Pichincha whose purpose is the provision of provincial public services through the execution of infrastructure projects with responsibility and transparency, considering environmental and social impacts.